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* A quick note: By adding a real name and email address, you're going to have access to ongoing product updates, customer support, and responses to comments you leave in the course. I pinky promise that I don't send a ton of emails. If your information looks like spam, your access may be revoked. 

Cherry on Top

Add this for only $9!
Your course is more than the content- and there are different bits to wrap around it to make sure that students get the support they need AND you still love your life and bank balance. 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.
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What you're getting:

Your welcome message is the first thing your students see as they start your course, program, or membership, so it’s a powerful moment. They got excited and hit the “buy” button, but the tags are still on! We know it’s important, but often as course creators, the welcome message is the last thing we get to, after creating content. The template helps students: 

+ Feel excited and have a vision for success 

+ Know exactly what they need to do to be successful 

+ Avoid overwhelm and confusion before they’ve even gotten started 

+ Have a great first impression of you and your course!

  • Total payment
  • 1xWelcome Script$19

All prices in USD


In case we haven't met yet!

Hi, I’m Laura Willson I’m an Instructional Designer, B.A., M. Ed. and your secret weapon to create courses that get results. I’ve seen too many courses that could have- and should have- been soooo good, but they just didn’t quite do the trick. They are either overwhelming or there’s the constant feeling of “what am I supposed to do?!” It’s not that these course creators didn’t have the knowledge, but they just don’t know how to structure their knowledge so someone else could and would get the same results. I’m usually hired by course creators to fix existing courses that aren’t working And although incremental change and improvement is good… 

 Doing it right the first time is so much better. Find out more at